Tuesday, January 17, 2023

The Come back with the High Card

             *Contains Spoilers*
Well hello there fellow nerds it's been a really long time! Sorry it's been a long time my life kind of just turned upside down the vast couple of months. I am in the middle of getting promoted at my job, planning a wedding with my fiancĂ©, which is a lot cause we're almost a year out now, and I took over a really big task at work as well. It's just been so much and thanks for sticking around if you stuck around if not I will rebuild again. Anime time there has been so much movement in the anime world It's almost daunting really. I come from the era of where you had to really find good anime and if it wasn't on tsunami you were searching the Web like and it's just so crazy because now there's so much you can easily find and you have to sift through all of it and hope that you find gold. It's kind of annoying because how many Isekai's am I gonna go through before I find one that's unique enough for me to like it. Who knows, but I will say 1 that kind of struck me recently was High Card. Normally I'm not in to like anything that says card or has to do with cards: like buddy card fight and Yugioh, like I'm over that phase in my life I'm not doing it. However this 1 has kind of an interesting twist to it maybe because it's a lot more action base But I really really enjoyed it. You're following the main character who genuinely just is down on his luck he is an orphan he is probably the oldest orphan and he is trying to keep the orphanage he grew up in alive. You know someone's always got money and want to shut down an orphanage in RL and an Anime life unfortunately. He is a really good at thievery and that's what he attempts to use to keep the orphanage afloat. As the show goes on it gets more interesting because they have these cool powers where they are using actual like cards, you know like playing cards And they say a certain phrase which haven't gotten down yet and it gives them powers.  Now they didn't reveal a whole lot in the 1st episode, which actually is good to me because it keeps me coming back to figure out what is this power what's this person gonna do, oh that's the Ace of spades like what's that gonna be cause that's a really like high ranking card in the playing card world at least. I like it so far following the main character and trying to figure out his story is really what I'm interested in and I can't wait to see where high card truly goes.

Till next time later Nerdz

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