Saturday, July 21, 2018


*This May contain Spoliers*
I would like to say before i get started on this that i have read the gist of all the anime i have been watching but i will not use it as reference. All my post will be very raw and what i think about the show and where i think its going or should go. Now without further delay HANEBADO! episodes 1-3 have been watched. So far the Anime is alright. I actually thought it was going to be way more intense than more drama. This anime is about playing badminton to put it simply. It follows two girls who are pretty darn good at it and genially love playing badminton. Now the drama part is tat each girl has her own issues and hangups she must deal with like, Nagisa Aragaki (One Main character, who is taller) got over her issues really quickly because it would have been very annoying if most of the anime she continued to be a butt to everyone because of her own insecurities. She lost a while ago to the other main character Ayano Hanesaki and after that she went on a ranging rampage and took it out on her teammates. She was over working them and as the team captain that is not something that should be done. Ayano on the other hand had natural talent built into her. Her mom was a pro, like went to the Olympics and stuff. One day in Ayano's middle school days she lost to one of her rivals by being very sick and after that lost her mom just up and left her. Which is really messed up right?! But she left her only child behind to be raised by her mother and father. Ayano believed that if she kept winning her mother would come back. So after that lost she kept winning but at some point she stopped having fun with the game she fell in love with as a kid. Around that time she meet Nagisa on the court and obliterated her. After that domination she found a magazine with her mom in it about how she raised another badminton player to be a star just like her. This would hurt any child especially with her mom walking out on her without any explanation. 
Just in case i lost you on the timeline i'll set it straight forward for you because the anime was a bit all over the place with it. 
So basically these two girls both practiced badminton at a young age. Loved it to death and practiced very hard to get great at it. Nagisa got teased for winning because she was tall and Ayano got left behind by her mom at the same time. Ayano much later meet Nagisa on the court and basically beat he by a lot. After that match Nagisa went on an endless rampage in high school while Ayano stopped trying to get her mother to return. Then they meet again in high school Ayano is a 1st year while Nagisa is a 3rd year. Ayano's best friend made her join the badminton team. They are now basically working out the mess. I hope that helped a little. That's all I got so far. More to come on this later.
Until next time Lexii Out!

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