Sunday, July 22, 2018


Island is a very vague anime. I have only watch 2 episodes of it. And it's not giving me a whole lot of information. It also feels like it's not sure what type of show it wants to be. I haven't committed the characters names to memory yet but so far the heroin is a small girl with long white hair who thinks that she has the island disease which is basically you can't be in sunlight or you will die. But her mother says she doesn't and that she thinks she is some mythical woman from the past that has been reincarnated to find her love who is the Male main character. Here is the kicker though. They both have memory loss. The Male remembers nothing not even his name the girl just doesn't remember who she is. The man washed up on shore which according to the island you must leave if you don't live there. But the main character girl saved him from that by making him her butler. I know its still early for this anime but they do a lot of random misplaced comedy and then serious moments after the misplaced comedy then they go into drama and some unwanted fan service. I will give this anime a few more episodes of it doesn't start to make sense by then I will have to pull it from my que. Sorry it this was all over the place but that show was also all over the place. Until next time Lexii Out!

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